Harley Brown

CAA Member since 2005
Born: June 16, 1939
Education: Alberta College of Art; Camberwell School of Art

Over the past 46 years, the Cowboy Artists of America has been described in many different ways due largely to the unique individuals in the membership—the diversity of their backgrounds and the distinct styles of their art. Harley Brown only adds to that mix of uniqueness and diversity. His pastel portraits are his distinctive style. His drawings demonstrate the pure talent and heart for his subject matter; he is truly a “people person.”

brown_cautious stepsFormal art education was only a small part of his “art pedigree.” Entrepreneurial, bold and eager, Harley struck out on his own to make his mark in the art world. That journey has taken many turns through Europe and Asia, as well as Russia, Australia and Mexico. While Canada was home for many years, Harley and his wife Carol now live in Tucson, Arizona.

brown_sketchHarley has been a part of the Western art community for a number of years participating in the C.M. Russell Auction of Original Western Art. Robert Lougheed was a major influence and inspiration for Harley and helped him focus on western art. Harley would mark the 1977 visit to Prix de West with Lougheed as a major turning point in his career.

Since his election to membership in 2005 and his first show in 2006, he has won two Gold medals and gained the respect of his peers. Harley values his membership in the CAA and says, “I’ve been inspired by the Cowboy Artists of America, witnessing how the Great West motivated their talents. Being allowed to join them is a monumental event in my life.”